School Spirit

Late in the fall of my senior year of high school, my friends discovered that I’d never been to a football game. They informed me that this situation had to be rectified before I graduated. I resisted them. I’d made it through nearly four seasons without attending a football game and had not yet felt the lack. Generally, I am […]

Whoever Plays the Yankees

I have an uncle who loves baseball. When I say that, I’m not sure you can quite understand me – unless you have one of those types in your own family. He LOVES baseball. Now, often team loyalties in sports come through familial ties. A son loves the team his father loves, unless of course, he grows to hate that […]

Why England?

In case you didn’t know, the World Cup starts tomorrow. Some delightful student painted the spirit rock before the end of the school year, and we’re still enjoying it. Added to that enjoyment, my boss brought in her Brasil flag and jersey to hang in her office. She’s feeling homesick, a little. We went by the dollar store the other […]