Update on Poland Trip Preparations

Friends – I wanted to post an update on what’s happening regarding the trip to Poland this summer. This coming week is the airfare deadline, and there are still quite a few who are short the money. Please pray! We know that God is the great Provider, and we trust that He will provide the finances for each student He […]

I’m getting on an airplane again!

Friends, You know those times when you have something big happening in life, but you just haven’t found the time to tell people about it yet? That would be the state of my past couple months. There have been many big things going on in life, and, while this email is about one in particular, I wanted to take a […]


There are times that my family’s long connection with the institution where I work is complicated, but more often than not it is a benefit. Sometimes it is funny. Sometimes it is bittersweet. Sometimes, it’s just nice. This morning my boss said, “I need someone to start a ‘Centennial’ box.” I volunteered. So, sitting on my desk, looking for a […]

10th Hour Breakfast

Eggs, waffles, pancakes, bacon, sausage, cereal, pastries…you name it, 10th Hour Breakfast has it. Yes, that’s breakfast. In the 10th hour post meridian (aka 10 pm). For 300 students. Who sing “The Twelve Days of Christmas” table by table, led by the Jazz Band. Welcome to Finals Week.

Bright Morning

At a biblical university, even the geese walk on water. It made me laugh, which was a delight on this bright morning. My sister wrote about comic relief yesterday, at the end of the surgery. She likened the moment to the steam coming off a pressure cooker – laughter. And this morning, in the bright sunshine, I gloried in the […]

Irregular Update

What’s Been Going On? For the length of time it’s been since my last “irregular update,” I can only apologize and say that I’ll try not to let it happen again. I feel like I’m getting back into the sort of life that lends itself to sending out updates on a more regular basis, but the past two years have […]