
Apartments, Storms, Power Outages, and Syllabi

Well, I found an apartment. It’s the downstairs of a neat old house in Newtown. And I love that concept. The house is on a little V of land between State St. (the main st. of Newtown) and Court, a residential street which goes off at an angle. Means that there’s traffic out almost every window, but since it’s Newtown, […]

Irregular Update

What’s Been Going On? For the length of time it’s been since my last “irregular update,” I can only apologize and say that I’ll try not to let it happen again. I feel like I’m getting back into the sort of life that lends itself to sending out updates on a more regular basis, but the past two years have […]

Where I Am Now – Keeping Focused

This morning, someone made a comment about passages of Scripture that have, in the past, impacted you so deeply that they’ve become a part of the fabric of your being. At the words, I cast my memory back and thought of passages like that in my life. The first to come to mind was a verse in Second Timothy that […]

Unfathomed Mystery

It’s funny – strange, really: grief. One of those mysteries of life we experience as human beings but never really understand. This week I watched episodes from the show Roswell–not a series of great depth or insight in general, mostly just fluffy teen pulp with aliens thrown in for good measure. An entertaining diversion, but not much more. But there […]

Random and Ridiculous

An occasional assortment of things I’ve found of (humorous) note: 1. T’other day, I drove through a neighborhood on the way home from work. In one lawn stands a light post. That day, there was a bright yellow recycling garbage can upturned over the lamp post. I’m still not quite sure why. 2. Sometime in the media blitz that followed […]

Did America Get It Wrong?

For weeks, now, Adam Lambert has been proclaimed the preordained holder of the American Idol crown. He fit the bill, too: powerful vocals, huge personality, determined glint in his eye. Adam singing a cheesy victory song with confetti raining down around him at the Nokia seemed a foregone conclusion. Then Ryan opened the envelope and read the winner’s name: Kris […]

A Few Notes on My Weekend

1. While originally intended to be a party of multiple members of an older generation and multiple members of a younger generation, Friday night ended up being just me and Kristina – so, at least we got one representative from each generation – since the Rebeccas were both busy, as was the Christine, the Courtney, and the Bonnie. Anyway, the […]

A few random thoughts…and American Idol

Random thought # 1 – The cheese factor of signs in front of churches bewilders me. Is it really helpful to have a ridiculous saying like “Now open between Easter and Christmas!” on your sign? Does it bring people into the church? Oh, and how ’bout the one that I saw the other week: “Come early to get a seat […]

“With all due respect, Madame President…”

I discovered this week that one of my coworkers dislikes me so much that she’s now quitting because of me. Evidently, I’m impossible to work with. I didn’t know. I make light of it, and will continue to do so, because in so many respects she’s being ridiculous, but at the same time, it breaks my heart. I’ve known she […]

The Random and Ridiculous

I’ve come to the conclusion over the years, that to survive in this world you have to have a healthy sense of humor about its foibles and ridiculousness. Here’s a few things I’ve found funny in the last week. There are still political signs in people’s yards. Seriously? I mean, the election was four months ago! If your sign’s for […]