There and Back Again

“Well, I’m back.” So ends Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. Sam returns to his home and family after seeing Frodo sail away from the Grey Havens, having been entrusted with the red book to continue writing the story. He returns home. I’ve often wondered, when I’ve returned from a long journey back to the world I left, how Tolkien […]

Keren Elyse Warnemuende

Last Wednesday morning, my niece Keren woke up with labored breathing. My sister Loren called me to come take care of the younger girls, Clare and Evelyn, while she took Keren to the doctor. On the way, Keren stopped breathing. Loren turned toward the emergency room and called 911. An ambulance met her along the way and took over the […]

Slumdog Millionaire

I finally saw Slumdog Millionaire last night. I’ve been wanting to see it since I first heard of it, and my desire has only grown as I’ve heard more about the film. I was a little worried going into it that perhaps my expectations were set too high. There was no way it could live up to the hype, could […]

My Hand is Not Broken

Just thought I’d let you know, my hand is not broken. In a way, that bums me out, ’cause if it were, there would at least be a reasonable guess at a timeline for the stopping of pain. Instead, I’m in that bewildering realm of strained or sprained or bruised or something tendon or muscle or flesh or something…Seriously, I […]

Non-Traditional Christmas

The driveway is still covered with a thin layer of ice. The north and shady sides of hills are covered with frozen grass, each blade encased in crystal. I drive carefully around the puddles, not sure if they’re liquid or solid, not particularly eager to find out. I live in a world of the winter ice storm, my windows were […]