Why He Came

For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide […]

Crazy, Small-Town Parades

I thought that the small-town parade had been left behind me in Glennallen when I moved here from Alaska – really, who could compete with the shutting down of a main highway for 45 minutes at the height of tourist season so that the Electric Company and Parks Service can drive big trucks down the road and throw candy to […]

Textures of the 18th Century

You know those days that are just right? The ones where you wake up in the morning, having slept just enough, and you get up, and you do the things you need to do to get the day rolling, but no more. The ones where you take a walk, pick up a hot cocoa at Starbucks, stop in at the […]

Scarlet and Silver

Tonight was a party to kick off the season with Bing, Rosemary, Danny, and Vera Ellen – i.e. White Christmas. But, my favorite color of the season is the reds – from the deep rubies to the dark crimsons. So, here, shades of scarlet:

Not Quite Winter Yet

I sometimes have a hard time believing that winter will really come here, to Philadelphia. Already, the sticky heat of summer has pushed the memory of snow piles up to my elbows deep into the recesses of my mind – I have to force myself to realize that I made those snow piles less than a year ago. A reliable […]

December – and Photos

I haven’t done much photography of my own in the past couple of years. I sort of overdosed in AK, and then had to recover for a while. But this fall I’ve been taking more and more shots for work, and trying to get my artistic eye back in gear. When I saw this referenced on my friend’s blog, I […]