The Still, Small Voice

I sat at a concert about a month ago and listened as the man standing before us, guitar in hand, dredged up the whole of his soul and threw it down in rhythm, chord, meter, and lyric. I desperately wanted to raise my hands and join him in the soul-pouring. I adored the song. I adored the performance. I worshiped […]

Stuck in the Middle

“I took one of those online quizzes to see if I’m left-brained or right-brained,” I said to Debbie over coffee earlier this week. She began chuckling even as I continued my thought: “I’m right in the middle! Practically 50-50!” “I could have told you that,” she said. She laughed a little more, then lowered her voice conspiratorially. “You know it’s […]

There’s a Drought in My Hymnal

This morning, on Facebook, I posted the following as a status update: So, I always feel a bit perturbed when we sing hymns of the early 20th Century in Church. It is not that I dislike singing hymns, just that I’ve never thought the first half of the 20th Century particularly fertile soil for hymn-writers. I think to myself, “There […]