
There are certain food and beverage pairings that make two delicious things even more delightful. Take Kenyan coffee and grapefruit, for example. Or sharp cheddar and red wine. But there are other pairings that shouldn’t be attempted, one of which I’d forgotten about until this evening, when I happened upon it again. I used to go to a Vespers service […]

Here Be Dragons

I was talking with a coworker today about the location of another area church. He explained to me that it was just up Park Road from the Quail Hollows Shopping Center, where Gleneagles Road intersects Park. I knew the point of reference. Just last week I was over that way for lunch with a friend. My coworker’s directions to the […]

And Then There Was the Day…

And then there was the day that I didn’t want to write a blog post. I wondered when it would happen. I was feeling pretty impressed by myself for making it through nearly two-thirds of the month without running out of ideas or just simply not wanting to write. But I’ve hit my wall. I don’t feel like it. I’m […]


I drove into the North Carolina mountains today and watched the beginning of autumn as I did so. Green maples tipped with red, birches shading to gold. The speckles of the light shining through the green canopy. Here and there and evergreen staying strong, Remaining what it was. Forever. When I was in college, we took a trip to the […]


I went out with a friend today, ostensibly for coffee and gelato, but neither of us had had lunch so we both ended up with sandwiches. Upon completing our sandwiches, we moved on to cappuccinos, but decided to give the gelato a pass—this time. However, our delightful waiter—who from time to time during the meal would seem to randomly stop […]

On Dust and Bravery

“When I was young, I fell in love with story.” It was the first line that caught my attention. I knew that feeling – that falling in love with story. I’ve done that. But then the words went on, and struck even deeper chords than my love of story: the tension of roots and wings, of settling and adventuring. It […]

When Your Tuque Falls in the Curry

The full title of this piece—which, sadly, wouldn’t fit very well—is: When Your Tuque Falls in the Curry: And Other Problems of Using Your Laundry as an Outdoor Fridge -The Annals of a Philly Winter- Our laundry facilities are in a lean-to by the side of the kitchen that doubles as an entryway to the apartment. It is completely un-insulated […]