The Night Cary Grant Hooted

Photo courtesy of Dr. Macro’s High Quality Movie Scans It started with Cary Grant screaming. Well, maybe you’d call it more of a hoot. “Squeal” is too high, “scream” too sharp. It’s this startled “whoooo!” sound that’s rather difficult to describe. It was 2006. The Olympics were in Torino and I was in Alaska. It was February, one of our […]

The Cry of the Artist

“Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist: Give me leave to do my utmost!” –Babette’s Feast *** I came to Babette’s Feast eagerly. I’d seen it years before – multiple times. I’d studied it in a course and given a presentation on it. I’d read the short story by Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen), perhaps […]

New Post at Greener Trees

I’ve been taking part in a great book discussion group this summer. We’re reading Jeffrey Overstreet’s book, Through a Screen Darkly. This week I wrote a guest post to host the conversation over at Greener Trees. Here’s a snippet: There is power in great beauty. Beauty heals, it soothes, it allures, it inspires. And when we see it, in a film, in […]

Ticket Stubs

Christine (bless her – wonderful roomie who mailed me the negatives I forgot so that I could work on a scanning project over break) gave me a “ticket stub album” for Christmas. For a while now, basically since college, I’ve kept my ticket stubs when I go to movies and shows. I’ve tossed them into a little box in a […]

"Up Five Ghetto Notches"

A week ago we turned on the TV. Sound came out. No picture. Currently our TV is nothing more than an immensely large speaker. Immensely. So I will have to get a new one, some time. But, well, there just isn’t time right this moment. I mentioned the situation to my coworker, Jodi, and she offered an extra TV they […]

Unfathomed Mystery

It’s funny – strange, really: grief. One of those mysteries of life we experience as human beings but never really understand. This week I watched episodes from the show Roswell–not a series of great depth or insight in general, mostly just fluffy teen pulp with aliens thrown in for good measure. An entertaining diversion, but not much more. But there […]

Random and Ridiculous

An occasional assortment of things I’ve found of (humorous) note: 1. T’other day, I drove through a neighborhood on the way home from work. In one lawn stands a light post. That day, there was a bright yellow recycling garbage can upturned over the lamp post. I’m still not quite sure why. 2. Sometime in the media blitz that followed […]

Did America Get It Wrong?

For weeks, now, Adam Lambert has been proclaimed the preordained holder of the American Idol crown. He fit the bill, too: powerful vocals, huge personality, determined glint in his eye. Adam singing a cheesy victory song with confetti raining down around him at the Nokia seemed a foregone conclusion. Then Ryan opened the envelope and read the winner’s name: Kris […]